Artifacts and Resources
Document Dashboard
In the Documents Dashboard, you can explore interactive charts that give you access to the metadata and full text of the documents in the collection.
Document Gallery
Filter, sort, and group the documents in the collection in the Document Gallery.
Document Index with AI Summaries
The Document Directory lists and links to the markdown documents available on this site, sorted by document date, with AI-generated titles and summaries to help you find the documents you are interested in. Caution: While we used various methods to promote the accuracy of the AI-generated metadata, only a subset has been reviewed by human experts. Look at it as a starting point for your research, not the final word.
Event Dashboard
Documents often trace the whole thread of an interaction between a bank and the FDIC. This interactive chart shows events mentioned in the documents over time. Click to open the dasshboard and drill down into individual months and event descriptions.
Events by Document and Region
This view shows the events mentioned in the documents, grouped by document and region. Click to open the dashboard to see the chain of events recited in a single document.
Coming Soon
Regulatory Guide
The Regulatory Guide will provide overview of the documents and their context from the financial regulation experts at FinReg Foundry and Davis Wright Tremaine.
Methods and Tools
The Methods and Tools documentation will describe the methods and tools used to create these artifacts and others.
The Blog will publish updates, additional data, and commentary as we continue to build on these foundations.
SmartSuite Dashboard and Gallery
A SmartSuite solution will provide portal for exploring the documents and structured data in user-friendly application for non-technical users. Artifacts on other no/low-code and work management platforms are also possible.
Datasette site and API
A web interface and API to a relational database, likely using Datasette, will provide access to the metadata and full extracted text with the ability to execute custom SQL queries and download different views of the data, among other capabilties
LinkML Ontology and Schema Definition
A range of artifacts generated from the LinkML Schema Definition that was used extensively to structure the various artifacts and to provide domain knowledge to the large language models that generated much of the metadata. (Learn more about the role semantic knowledge modeling plays in the project.)