FDIC Email Exchange on Paused Crypto Project

From: Amicangioli, Ashley
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 10:00 AM
Subject: FW: XXXXX Letter to Bank - Digital Asset Activity - Project on Hold
Attachments: XXXXX Letter to Bank - Digital Asset Activity - Project on Hold v2 clean.docx

Please PDF this and put it through ECC to Frank.

From: Amicangioli, Ashley
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 3:18 PM
To: Muraywid, Sumaya A. XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX
Cc: Ritchie, Kara L. XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX; Macias, Sandra XXXXX@FDIC.gov
Subject: RE: XXXXX Letter to Bank - Digital Asset Activity - Project on Hold

Hi all,

Thanks for the edits. See the attached updated version for review by Chris and Rae-Ann. We accepted all the edits you provided and added one new sentence to replace the one you deleted – I ran this language by Sumaya already. Our DRDs have reviewed and signed off on this version.

Once Rae-Ann and Chris sign off, we’ll have Frank send it.


From: Muraywid, Sumaya A. XXXXX@FDIC.gov
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2023 9:03 AM
To: Amicangioli, Ashley XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX
Cc: Ritchie, Kara L. XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX; Macias, Sandra XXXXX@FDIC.gov
Subject: RE: XXXXX Letter to Bank - Digital Asset Activity - Project on Hold

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for drafting and for using XXXXX as the template. We made some edits for consistency with other letters as well. As you’ll see in my comments to the second paragraph, XXXXX was a bit unique because they received a letter asking them to expand. In this case, XXXXX did not. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns and would like to discuss any edits.


From: Amicangioli, Ashley XXXXX@FDIC.gov
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 1:59 PM
To: Muraywid, Sumaya A. XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX
Cc: Ritchie, Kara L. XXXXX@FDIC.gov; XXXXX

Subject: XXXXX Letter to Bank - Digital Asset Activity - Project on Hold

Hi Sumaya and XXXXX

XXXXX notified us that they have put their crypto plans on hold until further notice. In light of this change, they asked that they no longer have to respond to our information request. We have drafted the attached letter to confirm that. We modeled this letter based on the language from a similar letter to XXXXX.

Please review and let us know if you are okay with the region sending this to the bank.

Thanks, Ashley

Ashley M. Amicangioli
Assistant Regional Director, Division of Risk Management Supervision
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
15 Braintree Hill Office Park
Braintree, MA 02184

Pronouns: she/her